Above waist back pain: Why does it hurt and how it is treated

Pain, any part of the body – always unpleasant. No view to remove any pain in the body, a person's necessary health care.

the cause of back pain

Each area of the lumbar pain the human spine may be adversely affected.

Uterus – a very important field, the human body, i.e., the link between the function of the uterus, upper and lower body parts.

Remember, the more workload and therefore less exposed to injury moves an incredible waist less than other body parts installed.

Certainly not every person knows what a back pain and it's something. Such diseases, low back pain, sciatica, very dangerous for the human body generally.

Most frequently the lumbosacral spine with low back pain why changes that you may come across human. Feel any pain, in such a case, the help needed to get to a doctor as soon as possible.

For the wrong reasons, definitely lower back pain can occur in people of all ages, depending on the veins, one male, one female.

It should be noted that in such cases, intake is an effective way to always get rid of the pain pain relief medications. Taking painkillers only suppress all the symptoms I have, but the problem remains.


A more accurate definition, causes low back pain, one First must understand what properties in nature is more pain. The severity of low back pain are divided into acute and chronic. Called acute pain, a sharp pain as less intense when T chronic, constant pain.

The highlight of today, and a number of other pathological symptoms include:

  • shortness of breath;
  • nausea;
  • increasing temperature;
  • cough;
  • vomiting.

Lumbar pain, high waist, as well as other may be the nature of the pain is different. First low back pain, – pain, non-right localization, stain.

Such as pain in the human body can be several:

  • heart disease;
  • pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), pleural effusion;
  • diseases your wife, both acute and chronic;
  • disease related to the esophagus;
  • kidney disease;
  • pregnancy.

Another pain of the nature of a clear localization. Such a pain the typical symptoms of itching, pain, of the body. It provides similar pain a little easier to adapt a patient.

back pain

The main reason, high waist, low back pain, spine pathology people, as well as free Wi-Fi, Nov him-from the beach frame. Here's a checklist of several pathologic reasons for such a pain.

Among them, in a special way can be distinguished:

  • sciatica;
  • injuries to the ribs and vertebrae in the area of Orange;
  • lumbar and thoracic osteokondrozis;
  • myositis (inflammation of Nov);

Naturally, only a single character is the reason for certain pain, the pain of it nearly impossible.

So a qualified expert to help. I must say, even a knowledgeable doctor, sometimes it is not a power to determine exactly what is one of the main reasons is back pain. For this, a pre-step tests, the patient's blood and subsequently are controlled substances in the pain it causes.

Whatever above my waist and back sore?

The answer to this question, to say right now, in this case, should be treated in a proper way is necessary. You need to apply for this your family doctor or a general practitioner.

Or, God forbid, resulting in acute pain should endure the impossible faster than why is "Ambulance". The high waist that emerged in the aftermath of a personal injury back pain strong falling closer – consult a doctor.

Moreover, I would say, with lumbar pain can help you:

  • podiatrist;
  • infectious disease;
  • surgeon;
  • gastroenterologists
  • diseases of the chest;
  • cardiologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • nephrologists;
  • the urologist;
  • proctologist.

I must say, the last half-century has significantly changed approaches to medical treatment in low back pain, artistic, an excellent step forward in medical progress made during this time because recovery. Initially, the inflammatory processes that are associated with low back pain causes nerve trunks and roots. Such a view to see the term more known sciatic.

In the last century, in the fifties, all possible radiculitis treatment in most cases of significant doses of antibiotics.

A little later it began to count cause back pain degenerative-dystrophic changes of the human spine.

diagnosis and treatment

Later, this vision began, we have successfully executed transactions herniation of the spine discs. Many neuroscientists accepted until the end of the Millennium already began Nov originated in a convergence area above the waist that arise for some reason the pain. The relationship between different syndromes and lower back pain, then the doctors the difference.

Doctor's advice (connected painful the patient's condition):

  • time 2 to 5 days to refrain from any physical exertion, stick bed rest;
  • the bed should be rigid and smooth in surface;
  • in most cases, intake, painkillers, gels and ointments containing features;
  • warming and anti-inflammatory components;
  • Nov relaxers, Nov employees to relieve spasms;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physical therapy;
  • vascular and diuretic drugs;

Physical treatments also help in such a case – electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, phonophoresis, massage comes with amenities such as. Nov helps relieve tension in all this stops an inflammatory process, there is a circulation in favor.

Why right back pain above the waist?

This question is frequently asked in some circles people. The higher waist on the right side of the pain there may be a few reasons:

  • human internal organs the disease;
  • pathology of Nov-a skeletal machine, a human.

Marked with pain from time to time or temporarily. Temporary pain can also occur with high probability as a result, a man uncomfortable pose for him for a long time when you are lifting a heavy weight, etc.

But the pain on the right side above the waist, accompanied by throughout the day, immediately refer to a qualified expert. In most cases, such a pain, any disease a person.

The pain on the right side, above the waist. The solution to the problem lies in spine

Most of the time, this service Nov high waist on the right side in the war, the following diseases-skeletal system:

  • lumbar low back pain;
  • syndrome sciatica;
  • lumbar spondylosis;
  • spinal injury;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • the tumor is of various quality;
  • other inflammatory and degenerative processes.

In either case, such a bitter person visit a doctor for advice. Don't delay, your own health in a box because it's long, over time, the pain just detailed get stronger.